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September 2023


Events and Services

Saturday 2nd at 10.30am Coffee morning

Sunday 3rd at 11am - Holy Communion (Rev’d James Pitkin)

Sunday 10th at 11am Modern Morning Prayer (Clare Durham)

Sunday 17th at 11am Harvest Festival followed by Ploughman’s Lunch

Sunday 24th at 11am Modern Morning Prayer (Julia Noble)

I doubt I’m alone in hoping for a late summer as we head into September. August, at least, has got the hang of the better weather as I write this. Our Songs of Praise family service – which has recently become an August tradition – got a summery twist and became ‘Hymns and Pimms’. A small glass of that most British of beverages whetting everyone’s whistle for the myriad of favourite hymns chosen in advance by several members of the congregation. With over 30 in attendance, it had a real celebratory feel as

we spilled out into the sunshine afterwards.

September will bring Harvest Festival on the 17th, and a ploughman’s lunch will be served afterwards. As always, everyone is welcome but (if you can) please let one of the churchwardens know in advance if you will be coming. There are worse things than running out of cheese, but not many. The Reverend Nick Grew and his wife, Christine, have been invited as guests to that service and I’m delighted that they are

able to come. Nick became our first port of call for important services

during the vacancy (where James was already committed to Thorngate)

and this will be our chance to thank him for everything that he did. On 11th September I am picking up a brand new card reader for the church. This – at the request of some of our younger members – will allow

people to use a credit or debit card for the service collection, informal donation, or payments at the regular coffee mornings or other events. We have been granted the reader by Winchester Diocese at a hugely reduced

cost, but we will have to give it back if it doesn’t get used. It may seem an odd concept in a traditional world, but with an increasingly cashless society

I’m sure it will soon prove its worth.

Finally, we have three baptisms in September – possibly a month

record! We have already had a good number this year, and it is always a

pleasure to welcome families into St Leonard’s. Long may it continue!

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