Time & Location
15 Nov 2021, 19:30 GMT
Sports Pavilion, Sherfield English, Romsey SO51 6FP, UK
About the Event
The committee is in urgent need of more support, both in the form of members and with practical aspects. The following are the most urgent:
• Having been involved with SERP since the idea was suggested in 1995, the Chair and Secretary are both stepping down, this leaves two vacancies on the committee.
• For the tennis/netball courts to be available to all they need someone to oversee their maintenance and useage.
• The weeds around the perimeter of the field need someone able to
prevent them from becoming invasive.
• Our high quality pitches are attracting a lot of football players and
someone to help with managing this will be much appreciated.
If you would be able to help with any of the above, or indeed to offer your
support in general and would like some more information then please come
along to the AGM and have a chat or email serp.field@gmail.com