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Neighbourhood Development Plan

The village is in the process of creating a 'Neighbourhood Development Plan', now more commonly called just the 'Neighbourhood Plan ('NP'), which is hoped to be submitted to TVBC for Regulation 16 Consultation and 'examination' in May 2024. Prior to this we must complete a Regulation 14 Public Consultation and use this feedback to amend the draft appropriately. 


Professional consultants were engaged in October 2020, using funds from Locality. They produced a set of core Policies for the draft NDP, which was reviewed and edited by the NP Steering Group in March 2021. A 'Housing Needs Assessment' was produced by a Locality funded consultancy, AECOM, following national guidelines, and this will be part of the evidence base for the NP.


When approved by both TVBC and a government inspector the NP will become an adjunct to the main TVBC Development Plan, with full legal standing as planning policy.


NP History: A village-wide survey, both online and as a supplement to the SEDCA newsletter, was the first formal task of the NP. The results were presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on 8th May 2019. The report was published in the SEDCA newsletter at the end of June 2019. A link to download this is on the right.


There was a second more specific survey in 2021 when the first draft had been completed - report on the right.


The Parish Council has published several items about the proposed NP over the course of the past 2 years in SEDCA, the village newsletter. The latest of these articles can be downloaded here (buttons on the right). There is also a lot of information about NPs on the TVBC web site:


If you have any comments or queries regarding the Neighbourhood Plan please speak to any Parish Councillor, any of the 'NP Steering Group' members below, or email the Parish Council Clerk, or the editor of the SEDCA Newsletter.


David Griffiths                 Parish Council Chairman

Jerome Hoffman          Steering Group Chairman

Graham Noble                S.G. Vice-chairman

Barbara Griffiths             Resident

Julia Noble                     Resident           

Jules Boswell                 Resident, Professional Architect

Rod Noble                      Parish Councillor

John Hartley                   Past Parish Plan & VDS Coordinator

Neighbourhood Development Plan 
Introduction and Objectives
Neighbourhood Development Plan 
10/2021 Update & Feedback Request
Neighbourhood Development Plan 
2019 Resident Questionnaire Results
Neighbourhood Development Plan 
2021 Resident Survey Results
Annual Parish Meeting Report 2019 covering questionnaire results
Test Valley Borough Council 
Neighbourhood Planning FAQs



The Parish Plan and the Village Design Statement

The Parish Plan, published in 2008, is where it all started, and that itself started with a comprehensive parish-wide questionnaire to find out what residents cared about, and what they wanted the village to be like in future years. you can download a copy here.






The Village Design Statement, published and adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document ('SPD') in 2015, gives guidance on the character and details of new, extended and modified buildings. It also has an appendix describing the history of the village.

The VDS is still current, and a copy can be downloaded here.







The Parish Plan - 2008

The Village Design Statement

2015 (Current SPD)

The Neighbourhood Plan 'Draft for Reg 14' has been temporarily withdrawn while the Steering Group consider changes before re-posting. If you have any questions or suggestions they will be very welcome.  Please contact 

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