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Park, Sports Field and Tennis

We are very fortunate in the village to benefit from great sports facilities.  Two large football pitches are available for local residents to use and also for booking by local clubs and teams.


Romsey and District Walking Football Club.

We play part year at the village playing fields on a Tuesday morning, and part year at Romsey Towns ground in Romsey.

Over 60s group open to all genders s long as they are reasonably local.  We welcome younger folk if there is a medical need. People are free to come and go as health and other commitments allow, although sometimes there is a waiting list due to the practicalities of the venues. (posted 12/21)

For more info contact

To enquire about football pitch bookings,
please contact:  Mathew Mills – 884 731

Netball training takes place on a Monday and Wednesday evening, 7.00-9.00pm on the Tennis/Netball courts. Everybody welcome. Toni



Children’s play area;

Croquet & Bowling: Contact Jenny Hayter- 322674
      Mon/Wed 2-4pm Fri 2-4pm & 6-8pm

      Annual fee £40 £2/2 hour game
Football manager: Mathew Mills – 884 731
Tennis courts –Contact Toni - 323 325 for access
Over 60s Walking Football: Peter Wood – 07793 281615

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