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Winter 2017 Celebrations and so to bed . . . .

We were lucky to have a dry day for our end of season party on the 4th November.

Thanks to Roger Harris the children had a ready supply of clay, tools (including garlic presses to make hair for ghoulies and ghosties), coloured slips and the promise to fire the finished creations. Villagers who take part in the Fun Day will remember Roger dressed up as the 17th Century Potter demonstrating his craft. We needed both the plastic bottle greenhouse and the shed for eager children getting their hands dirty.

In the polytunnel we had spread a white sheet over the table to be decorated with a multitude of colourful pictures. And then to the feast. With contributions from parents, volunteers and the tearooms there was little room to spare and we might need another table next year!

Phoebe, our oldest girl surprised us with her own creation of a chocolate cake, suitably decorated for Halloween. We now look forward to the next season. In the meantime we must still cut down the autumn raspberry canes, keep an eye on the pond, winter prune the fruit trees and look out for the bulbs planted up for next year's Mothering Sunday. May we wish every reader a Happy New Year. Smita Kulkarni

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