Dates for your diary.
3rd February, 10.30am-12pm
Coffee morning, craft and art exhibition
16th March, 12pm-2pm
UNICEF Community Lent Lunch
20th April at 6pm
Quiz Evening
19th May at 10.30am
Benefice Pentecost service, followed by a picnic
26th and 27th May, 10am-4pm
Wedding Dress Exhibition
8th June, 10.30am-12pm
Plant & produce sale at Churchfields, coffee and cake
29th June, 7pm
The Complete Works of Shakespeare, touring production
6th July, 10.30am-12pm
Coffee and cake in the garden at St Brelade’s
20th July, 2.30pm-4pm
Cream tea at St Brelade’s
3rd August, 10.30am-12pm
Knit’n’Natter display, ‘The Four Seasons’, coffee and cake
14th September, 10.30am-2pm
Church and Tower Open Day
19th October
Bellringers attempt a full peal*
20th October at 11am
Harvest Festival and Ploughman’s lunch
15th November at 7pm
A Comic Evening with Bob Blake
7th December, 10.30am-12pm
Christmas coffee morning and handbells
*Other bellringing events throughout the year include four quarter peals, and ringing a ‘touch’ for every bell ringer.