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November 2021


Spectacular and special September, came and went, we celebrated Harvest with tremendous flower arrangements, a plethora of marrows on display, and enjoyed a “thank you” service for our Rector Chris Pettet, which was well attended by members of the village. Chris has retired and has moved to Winchester Close, so you may still see him around.

St Leonard’s is now placed in “Vacancy”. We are pleased to have Rev. James Pitkin from Lockerley, Thorngate Benefice and our Area Dean taking a monthly Holy Communion Service on the first Sunday of each month. We are meeting with the Bishop and Archdeacon in November to see how St Leonard’s and St Margaret’s, Wellow can join the existing Thorngate Benefice of 4 churches. In the meantime the churchwardens, Clare and I, are undertaking Diocesan Worship Leadership training and we are now allowed to take services regularly. The training is a typical Diocese affair – apparently wearing red is a no go when leading worship, too loud and distracting, so last Sunday I wore a red jumper! The comment was that I did merge in with our lovely red carpet a bit, but I shall not weaken!

On Saturday 13th November 10.30am – 12 noon you can join us for a fundraising coffee as you gaze at the woollen World War II displays – even Sir Winston Churchill will be in woollen attendance. Such talented knitters in the village, and not just knattering it seems! Our Remembrance Service will be taken by Rev. Nick Grew and held at 10.45am on Sunday 14th November, and I hope that Martin and the bell ringers will muffle the bells to create quite the atmosphere. The Sherfield English poppy wreath and all of the forces and civilian representatives wreaths, will be placed during the service and crosses from any member of the congregation can be laid in memory of their family or friends – as it reads on The Kohima Epitaph “When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our today”. We missed out on this service last year due to lockdown so please do come and be part of this moving service.

On 27th November we have our traditional Christmas Fair with refreshment on offer as well as produce, knitted items, craft and a Christmas hamper raffle. There is also time to knatter! On Advent Sunday, 28th November, we will celebrate Christingle and enjoy using the orange, red ribbon, dolly mixtures and sultanas and a candle to represent the world, the blood of Christ, the seasons and Christ as The light of the world. In St Leonard’s it is a slightly messy and chaotic affair and some creations are dolly mixtureless by the end of the service but a good fun start to the Christian year.

Which brings us on to the Christmas season at St Leonard’s – we hold our Carol Service at 6pm on 12th December when the church will be decked out in the colours of Christmas. We are delighted that we have been invited to sing carols outside The Hatchet on Monday 13th December at 7.30pm, so do come and join us, why not book a table for some food to add to the fun, and enjoy the chance to sing. We pray for fine, and crisp and even weather – but not too crisp maybe! On Christmas Eve we hold our Midnight Communion at 8pm, so much more sensible to be at that time we say, and James will be leading this special service as we think about what a year we have all had, and celebrate over this Christmas season by being kind to those around us.

Julia Noble St Leonard’s Churchwarden

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